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Using GitHub

Use this template on GitHub.

Please check 'Include all branches' in order to have the starter branch, which is the pristine template without the demo and documentation.

Using your terminal

Fetch the starter branch without all the git history:

npx degit jsulpis/nuxt3-template#starter your-project cd your-project && pnpm install

Don't forget to update the translation files and the pseudo @jsulpis in the PageMetadata component.



Start the development server with hot module replacement:

pnpm dev

Start in mock mode:

pnpm dev:mock

See the other scripts in the package.json file.


The template is ready to be deployed on Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

Note that you should be able to deploy this template on another cloud provider (Nuxt 3 supports a lot of them), but you will have to do the redirection of the users based on their language, which is currently implemented with Vercel Edge Middleware.

Check out Nuxt 3 deployment documentation for more information.


Released under the MIT license.

Although you don't have to, if you reuse this template for your projects I would appreciate if you would add a little note like 'Nuxt 3 template by @jsulpis' in your footer. Thanks !